

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Bulletin Boards 2015-2016

One of my favorite things to do at the beginning of each school year is plan my bulletin boards! I have two in my classroom. Last year I was a little overzealous and changed them every month or so.

The first week of school, my students spent solving brain teasers and logic puzzles. At the end of the week we compiled a list of problem solving strategies they could use not only for fun problems, but for math problems too! So, I figured I would incorporate one of my favorite fall past-times - FOOTBALL! As you know from the last post, I am a big Peyton Manning fan and hence a big Denver fan. Not pictured is my shrine to Manning on the left-hand side. I added pics from every game that I got offline and kept track of the team’s record. The footballs describe the steps on how to attack a problem and the jerseys are all the problem solving strategies my students came up with. The play in the middle is something I came up with and the defensive line in my Calc 1 class helped me fix it - my defense has 12 players! Oops. 

So, in a private Catholic high school, we can celebrate Christmas openly! So, I knew my next bulletin board had to have a Christmas theme. My Alg 2/Trig students were in the midst of their quadratics unit and thus, Solving Quadra la la la tics was born. There's the factor tree, the quadratic formula Rudolf, and, my favorite, the gingerbread men completing the square of their gingerbread house. It was a great reference for my students before the holidays! 

My next two boards focused on the holidays following midterms. First, I made a Valentine's themed board, complete with how math is love, how to spell LOVE and make a heart on the graphing calculator, and math pick-up lines that were appropriate for high school students in a Catholic school...

For St. Patty's Day, I researched lucky numbers around the world in an attempt to combine math and social studies. 

This. This was my pride and joy last year. We focused on trig the last part of the year and so I wanted to help my students out with this reference board. With the unit circle, special right triangles, trig identities, and degree to radian conversion, I covered the basic stuff everyone should know about trig. I did a beach theme since it was such a rough winter - everyone anxiously awaited the warm weather! 

To round out the year, I made a board about test prep for upcoming Regents and finals. At our school, every student has an iPad, so I incorporated that into my board. Each app is a test prep strategy! 

This year, I had to move to the next classroom over and share with another math teacher, Mr. Ferguson, who mainly teaches geometry. I didn't want to over step my boundaries and change bulletin boards as frequently as I did last year. I was also limited to one of the two boards. So, I needed something that would be helpful all year. Both my Algebra 2 Common Core and Calculus students need to know their parent functions, so Function World was born. Featured is the Square Root Express, Parabola Pirate Ship, Absolute Value Food Court, Natural Log Flume, Exponential Slide, and the dueling Sine and Cosine coasters. Love it. 

As you can see, Mr. Ferguson was so impressed with my board that he asked me to make one for him. Students in geometry need to grasp transformations like dilations, rotations, and reflections, so I came up with Transformation Station as a good pair with Function World - need to get their somehow! Can you pick out all the transformations in the picture? ;) So, I am not going all out in the bulletin board department this year, but I may change Function World into the Trig Top Circus. We'll see.

Miss Schuck

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